Tuesday, July 3, 2007

the gud the bad and the 'catchy'

i dont hav much time...busy day tommorow so i'll keep it simple.
theres gud music and theres bad music and theres something called a 'catchy song' or a 'catchy tune'.now the one that is bad is downright bad...so that doesnt need much doing. its the (not so subtle) difference between the other two that seems for some reason convinently obscured from general comprehension.
okay so heres the revalation:good music is complex..multi layered and the tunes are longer and arent immedately obvious. you dont instantly go bananas for a gud song...it slowly appeals to your intellect on each replay captivating you more and more.if the term multilayered sounds wierd...lemme xplain..there are more than one tune that are going on simultaneously. this allows you to concentrate on diferrent ones on different plays. moreover the tunes are more complicated requiring greater attention to be fully comprehended.
"wat abt the song i really like" you say?well the songs that are instantly appealing...have a short simple somewhat gud tune ...if u may.but then its not exquisite. the fact that it is simple...is why it is instantly liked. yet the appeal is not lasting...there are no subtunes...nothing to be discovered...all lies bare in front of u in the first listen....such songs fade away..so thats that!"wat was that abt intellect?"well i dont mean to be a snob...but if u still like himesh reshamia or whatever man (woman), u r dumb!! :P


Aab said...

the same is the difference between a summer romance and a well seasoned relationship that slowly grew from nothing to everything...

Puthali said...

hmm...me thinks thts generalizing a tad too much..most oft beauty lies in da simplicity...like da 'KISS' 'n 'less is more' fundae...
in music too....@ one end u have Beethoven's 'Fur Elise' 'n @ other 'Symphony No. 9'...yeah i realize its not much of a comparison but u get da idea(i hope)...i dont think u can actually compare each...
'n complex usually means more chances to get it wrong....'n ob a correctly done simple piece is better thn a wrongly done complex one...
'n yeah himesh, i wud prob put him in tht 3rd category u mentioned - 'downright bad'... :)