Monday, August 30, 2010


I am playing Counter Strike, and i am getting good at it. I personally think its a piece of shit of a game, but theres a reason. I'd rather play quake 3 or quake 4 or crysis, where the men have more hair on their chests, and bigger balls. not to mention some kick ass weapons too. do you want to be playing with rifles and AK's all your life? AKs are for kids and Paki terrorists. I like laser blasters plasma guns and rocket launchers. you don't have that on Counter Strike. well then why the fuck is such a manly man playing such a sissy game i hear you asking. well theres is this fat yellow turd that needs to be told it stinks. right from bangalore to mumbai, and soon from delhi to mumbai. I need to frag his ass and delete the game thats eating a precious gigabyte on my hard drive that could have been put to better use, like dirty pics of lisa ray. ( dont worry she got cured from her cancer or whatever so its no longer offensive because she aint dying (and she is still sexy as fuck(i dont know what that means but just get it.)))
so this fat potty-piece thinks he smart. well hes what you get when you put shades on a pile of shit. a cool pile of shit. Not! (The only way a turd can be cool is by not letting itself get flushed down the toilet). and when i beat him and beat him i will, i will smoke another cigarette, and have him hold the ash tray. benevolent? i know, but real men always are.


Done With Blogging said...

disrespecting CS is not a safe thing to do. you never know when there's gonna be a knife sticking up your ass.

Done With Blogging said...

and that's a nice pic you haave on the header.

Sameer said...

when you have to shoot, shoot dont act bangali.

Johnny Tent said...

don't delete quake 3 either. not till i lay your big quake balls to waste.

quake gives bangali headache so he don't like it. lulllzzz. bangali is real world pussy.