Wednesday, August 8, 2007

oh my god! they killed kenny. you bastards!

for fucks sake! make them stop. theres only so much a person can take.
an off the record quote frm a prof. who unfortunately happens to take one f my courses.
this is wat he said:
" at iit, and especially iit kanpur we do not teach frm books. we write books." (pffff..) (and he said the word 'book' with such utter contempt, u'd wonder if he was talking about communism.)

another thing. one of my friends today got umm... whipped in the ass , so to speak. he had his registration rejected by a computer. talk about modernization. one of his open elective courses has a timing clash,... in the computer, of course. there is no real clash, and so he is in some real shit. the SUGC aka Sanghi has this to say. "i can bypass the whole problem and relieve u of your woes"(of course he didnt say it exactly like this...m making him sound gud.)"but i wont. there r many who are suffering, consider yourself to be one of them." dig that.

'we need great golden copulations.' - morrison

now my friend is perhaps going to enjoy an underloaded semester....cheers you lucky bastard.

South park makes for a good watch. that is if you r comfortable with words. all kinds of words.

frm southpark:

"hey do you make a woman like you more than any one else.?
thats simple...all you gotta do is find the tiscrloi ( tip: its an anagram).
chef wats a tiscrloi(the anagram again)?"


you know wat... all this getting screwed up, its kind of a habit. and habit, my dear friend, is a shirt made of iron. :P

i really write crap..
heres more of jim's line to save the post...

" i had a splitting headache from which the future's made"
"out here in the perimeter there r no stars. out here we is stoned immaculate."
"you cannot petition the lord with prayer."
"indian indian what did you die for? the indian says .. nothig at all."

" i am the lizard king i can do anything."


Johnny Tent said...

he he

red rocket man :P

you couldn't get your rocket red today. you lost the bet.

ha ha ha

Sameer said...

aww man there was just too much pressure...

one of these days...
one of thse days...
i'll go ballistic!

Johnny Tent said...

Nobody wants you to launch, trust me. Just get it red :D

Joychaser said...

You don't write crap.

Sameer said...

u just made my day.

but then i c u write, and i start to think otherwise.